Educational Sessions Block 7

Monday, June 26 - Block 7

1:15 - 2:00 PM

Session Title and Description


7.1 Maximizing the Research Dollar: Student Experience and Faculty Productivity

Faculty roles demand active research and publication agendas. Yet, many schools lack internal funding and access to graduate students to make that readily happen. This session shares an undergraduate, student-focused approach to developing research skills in non-research oriented, underrepresented students while simultaneously providing student support for faculty research projects.  

Barbara Stewart

Olivia Johnson

Daeun Chloe Shin

7.2 Exploring Health and Wealth Deserts in Baltimore: Post Pandemic Era Perspectives 

In this session we will present findings from ongoing research in areas of Baltimore that we have defined to be Health and Wealth Deserts, areas of the city that have low healthcare and food access along with low levels of financial literacy and traditional banking services. Through focus groups conducted with community members in Baltimore, our research has given a unique perspective on how the global COVID-19 pandemic impacted these communities and offers strategies that can be used to advocate for improved quality of life for all communities.  

Isabella Zuccaroli

Mia Russell


Nourishing Growing Bodies: An Update on Pediatric Nutrition Guidelines

For the first time, the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans provides recommendations for optimal nourishment from birth. Experts previously advised delaying introduction of certain foods during the first two years of life. Based on new research, timing of potential allergens has all changed. Educators need to be aware of new evidence-based guidelines in areas of feeding young children. This session will review changes to the DGAs, research regarding food allergies, and tips for introducing solid foods including potential allergens.

Julie Stefanski

7.4 Northeast Network Unites and Motivates

The Northeast Network is a model for collaborating and inspiring FCS educators to facilitate a targeted development and support network for the Northeast region. Faced with declining qualified FCS educators in the workforce, state action teams are working together in an innovative approach to recruit, prepare and support FCS educators. Regional activities include: peer mentoring pilot program, virtual FCS conference, state action team support, and leadership development.

Stephanie Knight

Susan Stinson

Patricia Digiola-Laird

Mercena Ross

Jean Kelleher

7.5 Digital skills acquisition: a case study on intergenerational families 

Many studies have focused on the acquisition of digital skills in educational settings, in the workplace or have elaborated on the social changes that digital technologies have on society in general, but how are these changes lived from the perspective of intergenerational family members? Through the lens of Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory, this qualitative study presents seven intergenerational families from New-Brunswick, Canada who explain the types of formal and informal learning experiences and environments that allowed or hindered the development of their digital skills. Through semi-structured interviews, these grandparents, parents, and children provide information on how they acquired digital skills at various stages of their life. Results indicate that the digital divide continues to be present even if access is attained.

Jeanne Godin

7.6 AAFCS Accreditation:  Preparing an Accreditation Self-Study Report - Standard 3 and 4

Higher education Units seeking AAFCS accreditation are required to complete a Self-Study Report addressing four standards for accreditation. Standard 3 addresses the degree to which Unit faculty members are engaged in scholarly and creative activities, as well as pursue the discovery, integration, and application of knowledge. Accompanying assessment requirements will be addressed. Standard 4 addresses the qualifications, diversity, and resources available to the faculty, staff, and students of the Unit. The assessment of Unit support of faculty, staff, and students will be discussed.

Donna Bell