
NEW AAFCS Mission and Strategic Plan

By AAFCS Team posted 03-23-2023 11:38 AM


For the last year, AAFCS has been focused on strategic planning and has engaged members, non-members, related organizations and partners throughout the process.  Environmental scans and listening sessions provided valuable input and feedback to inform the process.  The AAFCS Board of Directors shared a draft of the 2023 – 2025 Strategic Plan and Priorities with AAFCS members during a Town Hall meeting in December.   

Following the development of the Strategic Plan and Priorities, the Board of Directors reviewed the association’s mission statement to ensure its currency and relevancy.  The review resulted in a NEW and REFRESHED mission statement (Approved March 8, 2023):

The forward-looking mission statement, goals, and priorities provide the direction and inspiration to continue our work and strengthen the commitment to our members and to the individuals, families, and communities to whom they serve.  

AAFCS is excited about the possibilities that lay ahead and look forward to collaborating with you to model our mission, focus on our priorities, and to execute the plans for 2023-2025.

Individuals, families, and communities are achieving optimal quality of life assisted by competent, caring professionals whose expertise is continually updated through AAFCS.

Priority 1: Advance the FCS profession and the value of FCS education at all levels (primary, secondary and higher education), including the National level, and support FCS member leaders with advocacy at the state and local levels.

Priority 2: Create an organization that maintains a smaller set of membership benefits for FCS professionals while also directing resources to support the cause of equipping individuals and families with the life skills needed to successfully contribute to society.

Priority 3: Elevate FCS professionals as essential advocates, leaders, and experts.

We develop, protect and strengthen equitable access to relevant family and consumer science programs for all generations.

Priority 1: Establish a grantmaking entity to support underrepresented FCS groups.

Priority 2: Foster the development of the next generation of FCS in the workforce through emerging program offerings and educational opportunities.

We build a relevant organization with the capability and capacity to operate effectively and efficiently to meet member needs.

Priority 1: Build capacity and optimize operations through organizational alignment with a complimentary organization that will support AAFCS’ ability to achieve goals, establish our new value proposition, and amplify our impact.

Priority 2: Ensure the business of the association is modernized to meet future needs:

  • membership model
  • administration
  • conferences
  • technology
  • communications
  • operations
  • business practices
