Lisa Tapper
Email Lisa
Ashley Yedlik
Email Ashley
Barb Wollan
Vice President of Finance
Email Barb
Dr. Pamela Vande Voort, CFCS
Assistant Vice President of Finance
Email Pamela
Tabitha Aanonson
Vice President of Membership
Email Tabitha
Laura Van Waardhuizen
Student Unit Advisor
Email Laura
Barbara Woods
Email Barbara
Tia Shaffer
Past President
Email Tia
Full List of Past Presidents
The AAFCS celebrates, embraces, and respects the value of every person. We denounce all expressions of hate, racism, injustice, and discrimination. Our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice is demonstrated through our work to improve the well-being and quality of life for individuals, families, and communities.AAFCS, 1410 King Street, 2nd Floor, Alexandria, VA 22314Phone: 703.706.4600 · Fax: 703.636.7648
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