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Do you know a current family and consumer sciences professional, student, researcher, or friend of the profession deserving recognition for their efforts? Nominate them for an IAFCS Award today! A full list of awards, descriptions, and nomination forms/applications can be found on the IAFCS Awards webpage . All award nominations must be submitted to Teresa Nennig, IAFCS Awards and Recognition Committee Chair, by February 1, 2024 at 11:59 pm.
Applications are open for the Iowa AFCS Awards have been extended to March 29, 2021! Below is the link to nomination form. The following is the listing of award opportunities: Teacher of the Year --This award was established to provide recognition for innovative, creative programming and teaching methods in family and consumer sciences and for effectiveness in stimulating student motivation plus personal growth. New Achiever —This award was established to identify and honor emerging members with potential for achieving significant accomplishments in, and through, family and consumer sciences. Distinguished Service -- This award was established ...
Iowa AFCS Spring 2020 Newsletter
Iowa AFCS Fall 2020 Newsletter