AAFCS Recognition Opportunities


The AAFCS Recognition program recognizes outstanding members for their professional contributions, emerging and current leaders in the association, and scholars in the field of family and consumer sciences. Applications for 2023 recognition are now closed. Please contact awards@aafcs.org for more information. 

Awards of Excellence (non-funded) 
Distinguished Service Award - open through 1/11/2023
New Achiever - open through 1/11/2023
Leader - open through 1/11/2023

Awards of Excellence (funded)
Teacher of the Year (sponsored by Goodheart-Willcox Publisher) - open through 1/11/2023

Graduate Student Opportunities
Jewell Taylor Graduate Fellowship- - open through 1/11/2023

Undergraduate Student Opportunities
Jewell Taylor Undergraduate Scholarship - - open through 1/11/2023

Past Recipients