WVAFCS President Rachel Beach
WVAFCS Past President Dr. Beth Newcome
WVAFCS Secretary Judy Matlick
WVAFCS Treasurer Linda Schmidt
2018 Annual Meeting
2018 Meeting Speaker Glynis Board, WV Public Broadcasting
Past Presidents Elaine Bowen & Susan Rickards
2018 Meeting Panel Speakers
2018 Meeting Senator Bob Beach, WVAFCS member Melva Hess, Speaker Natalie Tennant
WVAFCS Member Melva Hess is recognized as the Parade Marshall for Pierpont CTC Homecoming 2017
2018 Annual Meeting
Rachel Beach, assistant professor of Applied Design at Pierpont Community and Technical College provided an overview of the “Design Thinking” strategy being employed to break down the perennial issues that perplex problem solvers.
Brandi Ammons, FACS teacher at Morgantown High School discusses her successful foods program.
Jacqui Denegri offered the keynote address “Making a difference."
2019 WVAFCS meeting attendees Carol Lucas, Sue Linnenkohl, Barbara Pavel-Alvarez
Vice President Liz Metheny
2021 Scholarship Recipient Natasha Yarowenko
Carrigan Hedrick, 2022 WVAFCS Scholarship Recipient
Elaine Bowen, WVAFCS Past President