Call for Research Abstracts

Deadline:  November 1, 2023 EXTENDED to November 15, 2023
Acceptance Notifications:  December 15, 2023

The Assembly of Higher Education (AHE) and the Community of Colleges, Universities & Research (CUR) announce a call for research abstracts for poster and/or oral presentation at the 2024 Annual Conference to be held June 5-10 in Minneapolis, MN.


Selection Criteria for Abstracts:  Abstracts will be judged in accordance with the following criteria:

(1) Significance and originality of the research;

(2) purpose and rationale clearly stated;

(3) soundness of the research design/methodology;

(4) findings/results clearly stated;

(5) relevance of the implications and conclusions; and

(6) clarity and organization of written abstract, including meeting all requirements listed below.


Research must be completed at the time of proposal submission. Submissions that do not adhere to the submission requirements will not be reviewed.  Acceptance for poster and/or oral presentation obligates the corresponding author to register for and attend the 2024 AAFCS Annual Conference.  Abstracts from the conference will be published in the proceedings on the Family and Consumer Sciences Research Center website.

Click here to download the Call for Abstracts.

Abstract Guidelines:  An abstract cannot exceed 750 words.  Abstracts must be formatted using Times New Roman 12 point font size.  Abstracts must include the following (in order):

  • Title of the research
  • Name(s) of the author(s), and the name(s) of the institution(s) (following each name, in cases of multiple authors) - Indicate the corresponding author with an asterisk (*)
  • Purpose
  • Rationale
  • Methodology (including research design, data collection, and analysis procedures)
  • Findings
  • Conclusions
  • Implications for research and/or practice


Abstract Submission: 

Submissions are due by 11:59 PM EST on the deadline date.  Submissions will be peer-reviewed, and applicants will be notified by December 15, 2023.  The submission requires the completion of the online Research Abstract Application and submission of two (2) abstracts (one blinded and one with author(s) information).  The abstracts should be submitted as Microsoft Word files (1 inch margin, 12 point font) and adhere to the specified guidelines.


Research Abstract Application

Submit Research Application


Graduate submissions must follow the same submission process and abstract format.  The online application form will require the name of the faculty advisor. Graduate research must be completed at the time of presentation. 

  1. Research must be based on a project, such as a thesis or dissertation, and must have been the primary responsibility of the student.
  1. Abstract must be submitted from students who are currently enrolled in a graduate program or will graduate in spring semester 2024.
  2. Students receiving recognition must attend the 2024 Annual Conference to accompany their poster during the poster presentation time period. Graduate Student winners will be recognized during the poster presentation time period.