The opportunity to communicate with the public does not end with placing a story in the media. After an article runs in the newspaper or a story is broadcast, consider sending a brief note to the media person who worked on the story. This can help increase the chance of being called in the future for other stories or interviews.
When writing a follow-up letter or email, keep in mind that reporters view themselves as objective witnesses to events and issues. Therefore, avoid thanking the reporter for good publicity as this can imply that the reporter was only doing a favor which is contrary to his or her responsibility to provide unbiased information.
Instead, express appreciation for the publication’s recognition of the importance of the event or issue by providing coverage. Consider commenting on the reporter’s skill at explaining the subject clearly or in an interesting way, and informing him or her of any positive feedback that has been received from others.
Obtain Clippings and Recordings
Keep records of any news items that have successfully been placed in publications, and try to record radio and television coverage. This will help document successes and evaluate the effectiveness of media efforts.
In addition, send clippings to the AAFCS headquarters to help staff monitor media contacts made across the country. This helps the association monitor what is being communicated to the public in various regions of the country about AAFCS and the profession--information that is invaluable in planning other communications or public policy efforts!
Need further assistance in planning media relations activities or completing specific projects? Please feel free to call AAFCS headquarters at 703.706.4600. We are here to help!