Past Presidents Unit

Below is a list of individuals who have served as president of the Association. These leaders brought vision and foresight to the association throughout its history. These individuals make up the Past Presidents Unit (PPU) and provide advice to the Board of Directors, Leadership Council, and members.

Deb Andres, CFCS-HDFS 2023-2024
Lorna Wounded Head, Ph.D., CFCS, CPFFE 2022-2023
Robert Van Dyke 2021-2022
Lizabeth Self Mullens 2020-2021
Jackie Ogden 2019-2020
Cynthia Miller 2018-2019
Jacqueline Holland 2017-2018
Duane Whitbeck 2016-2017
Carolyn Barnhart 2015-2016
Beverly Card 2014-2015
Peggy Wild 2013-2014
Sue Buck  2012-2013
Susan Shockey 2011-2012
Sue Byrd 2010-2011
Marilyn Swierk 2009-2010
Shelly Nickols-Richardson 2008-2009
Bonnie Braun 2007-2008
Dixie R. Crase 2006-2007
Don Bower 2005-2006
James D. Moran, III 2004-2005
Virginia Vincenti 2003-2004 
Sharon Nickols 2002-2003
Tahira Hira 2001-2002
Kinsey Green 2000-2001
Carol Anderson 1999-2000
Coby Simerly 1998-1999
Shirley Hastings 1997-1998
Penny Ralston 1996-1997
Sue Whitaker 1995-1996
Peggy Meszaros 1994-1995
Barbara Taylor 1993-1994
Lynda Harriman 1992-1993
Virginia Caples 1991-1992
Harriett Light 1990-1991
Carole Fromer 1989-1990
Sheron K. Sumner 1988-1989
Marcia Copeland 1987-1988
Agatha Huepenbecker Burnet 1986-1987
Wilma Pitts Griffin  1985-1986
Sharon Siverts Wallace 1984-1985
Nancy E. Dolton 1983-1984
Mildred Griggs 1982-1983
Ruth Hoeflin 1981-1982
Emma Riggs 1980-1981
Alberta Hill 1979-1980
Mary Ann Parthum 1978-1979
Beverly Crabtree 1977-1978
Mary Ellen McFarland 1976-1977
Gwendolyn Newkirk 1975-1976
Margaret Fitch 1974-1975
Satenig S. St. Marie 1973-1974
Marjorie East 1972-1973
Naomi G. Albanese  1971-1972
Mercedes A. Bates  1970-1971
Lela O'Toole 1969-1970
Louise E. Gauthier  1968-1969
Helen J. Mandigo 1966-1968
Ruth C. Hall 1964-1966
Florence W. Low 1962-1964
Dorothy S. Lyle  1960-1962
Olga P. Brucher 1958-1960
Beulah V. Gillaspire 1956-1958
Catheirne T. Dennis  1954-1956
Elizabeth Sweeney Herbert 1952-1954
Florence Fallgatter  1950-1952
Marie Dye  1948-1950
Katherine M. Alderman  1946-1948
Dora S. Lewis  1944-1946
Jessie W. Harris  1942-1944
Gladys Branegan  1940-1942
Helen Judy Bond  1938-1940
Kathryn VanAken Burns 1936-1938
Effie I. Raitt 1934-1936
Frances Zuill 1932-1934
Frances L. Swain 1930-1932
Margaret M. Justin  1928-1930
Lita Bane 1926-1928
Katherine M. Blunt  1924-1926
Alice F. Blood 1922-1924
Mary E. Sweeny 1920-1922
Edna N. White  1918-1920
Catherine J. Mackay 1916-1918
Martha Van Rensselaer 1914-1916
Sarah Louise Arnold  1913-1914
Isabel Bevier 1911-1912
Ellen H. Richards 1909-1910