What is FCS?

Family and Consumer Sciences is the people-centered science, focused on supporting individuals, families, and communities live healthy successful lives through the provision of education, research, and technology.

Within Family and Consumer Sciences - Human Sciences  - Health and Human Sciences - Home Ecology - Home Economics - are all terms that have been used to refer to the discipline and sub-areas of the FCS discipline. By clicking on the images to your right, you will learn more about each term and its application within Family and Consumer Sciences.

"Family and Consumer Sciences: Overview of a 100-year-old industry sector," click here.

Career pathways common to FCS professionals can be found here and here.

Meet FCS professionals who work nationally, statewide, and locally and the exemplary programs they have helped to bring to fruition, click here

Meet Christian Gray: In 2024, he was a graduate degree student in the NC State Agricultural Education and Human Sciences  program, he founded DIVERSE, which aims to provide young people with the tools and resources they need to succeed.

Meet Goldie Prelogar-Hernandez, Ed.S.. Goldie is a Certified Personal and Family Financial Educator (CPFFE) and Associate Instructional Professor for the Family & Consumer Sciences program in the Department of Teaching and Leadership at Pittsburg State University.

Meet Mary Ethel Creswell, the first woman to receive a Bachelor's degree from University of Georgia. She received a Bachelor of Science in Home Economics in 1919. She went on to become the first woman faculty member at University of Georgia and later in 1933, she became the first dean of the School of Home Economics.

Additional information can be found in our digital resources, found here.

Family and Consumer Sciences 

The People-Centered Sciences


Field of study focused on the science and the art of living and working well in our complex world. 


Through research, experiential education, and technology, our professionals help people develop the essential knowledge and skills to: 

  • Lead better lives 
  • Be work and career ready 
  • Build strong families 
  • Make meaningful contributions to our communities 

Content Areas 

Our Primary areas of focus include: 

  • Culinary arts, hospitality, and tourism 
  • Education and training
  • Food science and nutrition 
  • Health management and wellness 
  • Housing and interior design 
  • Human/child development and family relations 
  • Personal and family finance 
  • Textiles, apparel, and retailing 

Sustainable practices, consumerism, and leadership principles are woven throughout the content areas. 

Practice Settings 

You will find professionals in: 

  • Academic education at these levels: 
    • Early childhood 
    • Elementary 
    • Secondary 
    • Higher Education 
  • Community education for adults and youth, including Cooperative Extension programs 
  • Business and industry 
  • Government 
  • Health and human services 

The Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Body of Knowledge establishes the intellectual and philosophical foundation for the field. The Body of Knowledge provides the framework through which FCS professionals communicate, research, and practice. Through an understanding and application of the Body of Knowledge, FCS professionals enhance individual and family well-being, expand community vitality, and address societal trends and issues.

Click here for an overview and explanation of the FCS Body of Knowledge.

*The FCS Body of Knowledge is currently undergoing revision and the AAFCS expects to publish an updated and enhanced Body of Knowledge in 2025, see the press release announcing the revision.

To learn more about the development and evolution of the FCS Body of Knowledge, check out the AAFCS E-Book - Family and Consumer Sciences Compendium Series: Volume 1, Body of Knowledge.

To learn more about the FCS brand usage, guidelines, and supporting materials, see our visit the Family & Consumer Sciences Brand page. You may also want to reference the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for additional information on AAFCS and FCS.

AAFCS invites you to view our video to learn more about FCS in today's world. 

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