Careers in FCS

Please share positions or internships with our FCS professionals. You may send your positions to be posted to or

We look forward to highlighting positions for our state!
Alexandra Rouse, Deputy for Organizational Performance and Engagement for the Department of Human Services (DHS).

I’m excited to share with you an exceptional opportunity for graduate students at your institutions. DHS is re-launching its Fellowship Program this year. Specific DHS Divisions and Offices will be hosting fellowship opportunities for Master’s level students to complete meaningful work for the State of Arkansas. Please find attached proposals of the various projects available for application. Please send these proposals to your faculty and other staff so that they may reach motivated students who could benefit from this opportunity.
Applications will be reviewed beginning on July 8, 2019. Interested students should respond by July 8, 2019. Project work will start at the beginning of August.

Division_of_Provider_Services_and_Quality_Assurance_proposal_6_4_19.docx OIT_Fellows_Proposal_6_4_19.docx