Wellness Wednesday: ROI and Professional Development
You WANT to go to #AAFCSac. You KNOW you will come away invigorated, full of ideas and more connected to your cohorts in the profession. But if you need to seek approval and/or requisition funding for your participation, how can you make the best case that this will be money well spent?
The AAFCS Return on Investment (ROI) toolkit is your new best friend!
With a little time invested upfront, you can use the email templates, worksheets, and the Program-at-a-Glance to prepare a solid plan to submit with your request. A few tips:
- Don't wait! With early-bird registration a little more than a month away, you want to get started now, so you can follow-up on your request in plenty of time to get approval and take advantage of those savings. *if using a purchase order, secure the early-bird (EB) rate by registering by the EB deadline and paying within 30 days.
- Be Specific! The email template advises including actual sessions you plan to attend. Doing the the legwork now on what you expect to learn will help your chances of receiving funding, and also keep you on track and focused once you're onsite. *tip: Consider taking an AAFCS professional competency exam onsite. The testing fee is reduced by more than 40%.
- Be Resourceful! Check the discounts available from AAFCS on flights, rental cars, and hotels to while crafting your budget.
Wellness Wednesday is scheduled for the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Your submissions are welcome! To submit your original content, progress towards an
FCSfit goal, or to tell us about someone who exemplifies FCS
fit, email