
Wellness Wednesday:  Creative Resolutions

By Sophy Mott posted 01-09-2019 12:00 AM


FCSfit Wellness Wednesday: Creative Resolutions for 2019

Whether you're easing quietly into 2019, or tackling it with renewed vigor, the topic of "resolutions" has likely surfaced at your work or among family and friends. 

For a creative twist on the topic, this edition pairs AAFCS' core values with some interesting ideas culled from the web.  

AAFCS Core Values affirm our members:

#1:  Believe in the family as a fundamental unit of society.  
Paired Resolution/Intention: Use rituals to get closer to ones you care about. (web article)

#2: Embrace diversity and value all people.
Paired Resolution/Intention: Talk to a stranger every week. (12-minute Ted Talk)

#3: Support life-long learning and diverse scholarship.
Paired Resolution/Intention: Set your sights on the 110th AAFCS AC& Expo, as well as yours and/or a neighboring affiliate's spring conference! There are many to choose from. Looking for something you can do from your chair or couch? Consider an AAFCS webinar!

#4: Exemplify integrity and ethical behavior.
Paired Resolution/Intention: What does integrity mean to you? Many of us may be faced with dilemmas in unexpected places. Here, an equality advocate offers her insights on taking a stance. (15-minute Tedx Talk). 

#5: Seek new ideas and initiatives and embrace change.
Paired Resolution/Intention: Embrace Rejection! Learning from 100 days of "sorry, but . . . no." (15-minute Tedx Talk.)

#6: Promote an integrative and holistic approach, aligned with the FCS body of knowledge, to support professionals who work with individuals, families, and communities.
Paired Resolution/Intention: Consider using our digital collection in your classroom. FCS' rich history and varied disciplines make these collections a terrific resource for introductory classes and more. 

In good health,

Sophy Mott
director of affiliate and member programs

P.S. We want you to tell your story! If you have a personal profile, program, or project you'd like to see featured in Wellness Wednesday, we'd love to know more! Email
