To be eligible to take a national AAFCS examination the candidate must have graduated from an accredited educational institution with a baccalaureate degree, or plan to graduate within the year. Some institutions use the national examination system as a pre-test or post-test; these candidates take the exam on the schedule established by their school.
Computer-Based Testing Administration
- Candidates may take the examination at ISO-Quality Testing computer-based testing sites located across the nation. Click here to identify location options by city and state.
- Candidates will not be able to secure a testing site location and date until the online test registration has been processed.
- Computer-based testing administrations are only available during authorized examination periods or windows. Please note the following examination schedule and associated registration deadlines for computer-based testing.

Examination Application
Application for the examination is achieved through an online registration system. Click here to access the registration system. Candidates will be prompted to log into MyAAFCS. If you have never been a member or customer of AAFCS, you will need to create a MyAAFCS profile and complete the registration application for the appropriate testing month.
The registration application will collect required personal information about the candidate as well as information about the candidate’s selection of assessment title.
- Step I. Submit Online Application and Pay Registration Fee. Complete the online Examination Registration and pay the associated registration fee. Incomplete applications will not be processed. During a month-long testing window, a candidate may take only one AAFCS examination title and may take it only once. Application submissions after the deadline date for the month selected for test administration must have the appropriate late fee or emergency fee included to be processed. The candidate will be required to pay the examination fee in order to complete application submission. Payments are made by credit card (Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express). The examination application will be reviewed by the AAFCS Credentialing Center staff to verify the candidate’s eligibility to take the examination.
- Step II. Authorization for Testing. Once the candidate’s eligibility has been verified by AAFCS, the candidate will receive within 3-5 business days an email from Schroeder Measurement Technologies (SMT) with the subject line “Iso-Quality Testing.” The email will include a username, password, and further details to access the ISO-Quality Testing registration portal to select a test date/location for the testing month selected.
- Step III. Appointment to Take the Exam. The authorization email from SMT will contain information and instructions on scheduling a test date at an ISO Quality Testing computer-based testing center. A Username and Password will be given to each candidate to register online for a testing location and test date. Using the candidate’s zip code, the five closest testing centers will be available to choose from. Please contact the SMT representative, who sent the authorization email, if there are further questions regarding testing times and locations. To look up testing locations prior to the exam registration process please click here.
Affirmation of the following Affidavit and Examination Agreement is required as part of the registration process:
- I am eligible to sit for the AAFCS examination based on having already completed or being within one year of completing a baccalaureate degree.
- I will treat all information related to the examination as confidential, whether provided to me by AAFCS or received from other sources.
- All information provided by me in this application is true to the best of my knowledge. AAFCS may, in its sole discretion, make inquiry of individuals and organizations directly or indirectly referenced in any part of this document to verify the accuracy and completeness of the information I have provided.
- I have fully read the contents of the Candidate Information Bulletin for the assessment selected and agree with all policies and stipulations contained therein.
- I understand that my successful performance on one of the exams in the AAFCS examination system will satisfy one of the requirements for a national professional level certification awarded by AAFCS. Subsequently, obtaining the national AAFCS credential would be optional and would require submitting a separate national certification application and fee, agreeing to abide by the Professional Code of Ethics, and meeting ongoing professional development requirements.
- I understand that my test score will be reported to me.
Cancellation Refund Policy: AAFCS test registration fees are NONREFUNDABLE. Testing can be rescheduled to the immediate next testing month (January, March, May, July, September, or November) without penalty beyond those detailed herein and imposed by an ISO Quality Testing Center for violations related to admission, rescheduling, or cancellation.
If a candidate cancels or reschedules a scheduled examination five or more calendar days prior to the scheduled examination date, the candidate will pay ISO Quality Testing a $25 rescheduling fee. If a candidate does not reschedule or cancel a scheduled examination at least five calendar days prior to the scheduled examination or comes to the testing center without proper ID and/or the proper admission letter and is unable to take the scheduled examination, the candidate will forfeit the full testing fee.
If a candidate reschedules or cancels a scheduled exam less than five calendar days prior to the scheduled exam date but has an approved excuse based on candidate medical emergency, death of an immediate family member, or candidate active duty military orders, the candidate will pay ISO Quality Testing a $25.00 rescheduling/cancellation fee. If a candidate for any reason forfeits the examination fee, a new online registration application and full examination fee payment must be submitted to register for subsequent testing.