PDU Pre-Approval

Apply for Pre-Approval of Professional Development Units (PDUs) for Your Events

Affiliates and other related groups are encouraged to submit information regarding their professional development activities/events to receive PDU pre-approval.  

PDUs awarded for conference/workshop/training sessions equate to 1 PDU for each clock hour of training (excluding time spent conducting business, meals, or other non-training elements.

The process is completed in an online application available through MyAAFCS  

Click HERE to access the online application.  (Please NOTE:  You will be prompted to log into MyAAFCS.  If you do not have a profile, one can be created.)

Within the application, individuals will be prompted to upload one file that provides the professional development activity details:

  • Length of presentation (start/end time for the presentation);

  • Presentation title and description, name(s) and title(s) of presenter(s);

  • Number of PDUS requested for each session and the total number of PDUS for the event; and

  • Type of PDUS requested for each session (e.g., CFCS, CPFFE, CNWE).

Direct questions about certification or the PDU process to certification@aafcs.org

CFCS Topic Areas

Content in the following topic areas can earn Certified in Family and Consumer Sciences (CFCS, CFCS-HDFS, CFCS-HNFS) PDUs:

  • Foundational FCS Knowledge and Skills for Working with Students/Clients
  • Family Studies and Human Services
  • Human Development, Education, and Services
  • Nutrition, Wellness, and Food Science
  • Food, Lodging, and Hospitality
  • Consumer and Resource Management
  • Textiles and Apparel
  • Environmental Design

CPFFE Topic Areas

Content in the following topic areas can earn Certified Personal and Family Finance Educator (CPFFE) PDUs:

  • Financial Responsibility and Decision Making
  • Income and Careers
  • Planning and Money Management
  • Credit and Debt
  • Risk Management and Insurance
  • Saving and Investing
  • Teaching Pedagogy for Personal and Family Finance

CPFFE Topic Areas

Content in the following topic areas can earn Certified Nutrition and Wellness Educator (CNWE) PDUs:

  • Wellness and Prevention
  • Nutrition Principles
  • Food Safety and Supply
  • Food Planning, Purchase and Preparation
  • Teaching Pedagogy, Learning and Behavior Change