
Join Today!

AAFCS members have a wide range of professional expertise in the field of family and consumer sciences (founded as home economics). Our members are educators, counselors, nutritionists, scientists, researchers, designers, administrators and consultants, to name a few! What our members all share is a commitment to achieving optimum well-being for families and individuals. Now you can enjoy all the benefits of membership too!

When you become a member of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS), you automatically become a member of the New York State Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (NYAFCS). In essence, your dues make you a member of both organizations (AAFCS and NYAFCS).

AAFCS members have a wide range of professional expertise in the field of family and consumer sciences (founded as home economics). Our members are educators, counselors, nutritionists, scientists, researchers, designers, administrators and consultants, to name a few! What our members all share is a commitment to achieving optimum well-being for families and individuals. Now you can enjoy all the benefits of membership too!
