What Resources Are Available?
"Taking It to the Streets" PowerPoint Presentation
View or download a PDF of the PowerPoint presentation created by the "Taking It to the Streets" Leadership Team for the AAFCS 103rd Annual Conference.
Impact of Obesity on Life
View or download a PDF of obesity impact resources that are organized by area of FCS.
"Taking It to the Streets" PowerPoint Presentation
View or download a PDF of the PowerPoint presentation created by the "Taking It to the Streets" Leadership Team for the AAFCS 102nd Annual Conference.
Comprehensive Obesity Prevention Resource Framework
It includes Healthy Habit Rabbit’s Tips, Healthy School Meals, Social and Emotional Implications, Physical Health, Targeted Resources, Other Ideas, Public Policy, Awards and Incentives, and more!
Obesity Prevention Resource Matrix
This was designed to help identify some free or low cost resources for your work. The list by no means includes all the information out there but will hopefully save you time in locating materials.
Childhood Obesity Causation Wheel
Developed by Dr. Janelle Walter & Dr. Bernadette Hascheke and revised by the team in 2011. It highlights the issues of limited physical activity, neighborhood and school issues, inadequate after school supervision, alternate meal choices, and family mealtime. It can be used as a handout, poster, or slide in your work as you educate others in the prevention of obesity.
Exercise Companion Piece
Provides simple ideas on how to increase exercise at work or home. Use as a poster, handout, or slide.
Alternative Food Choices Companion Piece
Family Meal Time Companion Piece
Press Release Template
Share your fine work with the media by customizing and distributing this press release!
We Can! Website
Aim for a Healthy Weight
New Terminology for Childhood Overweight and Obesity
Preventing Childhood Obesity in Early Care and Education Programs
Selected Standards from Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards; Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs, 3rd Edition*
Developed by American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education 2010
New Campaign Promotes Childhood Obesity Prevention
RWJF Center Deputy Director, Mildred Thompson, was interviewed for Community Health Center, Inc.'s new national childhood obesity prevention campaign, Recess Rocks. One component that could relate to FCS is a nationwide video contest that seeks solutions to the childhood obesity epidemic directly from children and adolescents. Visit RecessRocks.com for more details. Middle school programs, service learning programs, FCCLA, or 4-H could be a good fit.
Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA)
Affiliate Letter Template to Send to First Lady Michelle Obama and Letter Samples
Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution