Using Storybooks to Teach About Alzheimer's

About the Module

If you don't know someone with Alzheimer's now, you will. Explore this education module to learn how to storybooks can be used to teach adults and children about Alzheimer's dementia behavior and how to respond appropriate to a love one with Alzheimer's Dementia. 

Presenters will discuss:
1) the behaviors of those with Alzheimer's dementia,
2) how Alzheimer's Dementia impacts children and families,
3) strategies to help address the behaviors of those with Alzheimer's,
4) how to talk to children about Alzheimer's, and 
5) how to create stronger multigenerational connections and relationships by encouraging interaction between children and a loved one who has Alzheimer’s Dementia.

Resources Available to AAFCS Members Only

Members: To view and access the resources for the module, you must be logged in to your MyAAFCS account.
Resources for this professional development module include the following:
  • Resource document provided by presenters
  • Web Links related to topic
  • Lesson Plan related to topic
  • Global Interdependence in Action
  • AAFCS Professional Development PDU Certificate

AAFCS Members: To see the "View Recording" button and the Module Resources, you MUST be logged in to your MyAAFCS account.

Correlations to Standards

The resources provided for this VPD Module correlate with the:  

FCS Body of Knowledge

  • Capacity Building
  • Wellness

Family and Consumer Sciences National Standards 3.0

  • 2.0 Consumer and Family Resources
  • 4.0 Education and Early Childhood
  • 6.0 Family
  • 7.0 Family and Human Services
  • 12.0 Human Development
  • 13.0 Interpersonal Relationships

National Standards for Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences

  • Family and Human Development
  • Wellness
  • Instructional Strategies and Resources

Meet the Presenter(s)

Marsha Goetting

Dr. Marsha Goetting is a Professor and Extension Family Economics Specialist at Montana State University in Bozeman.  From 2016 to 2020 she presented over 220 live financial and estate planning programs reaching 10,400 Montanans. She received the 2017 Western Region Excellence in Extension Award, from Cooperative Extension, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture and Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. In 2021 she received the Visionary Leadership award from Epsilon Phi (Western Region).

 During the pandemic during 2020 she provided Tuesday Tips webinars and again in 2021 with total of over 3,400 participants.  When the pandemic continued into 2021, she offered webinars with new estate planning topics during MontGuide Mondays, Wisdom Wednesdays in collaboration with AARP Montana, and Thoughtful Thursdays in collaboration with the Montana State University Alumni Foundation reaching a f over 4,500 participants.  Dr. Goetting is a member of the Montana  Alzheimer’s and related dementia’s Workgroup.  She is a member of the Business, Estates, Trusts, Taxes, and Real Property Section of the State Bar of Montana. She received her PhD from Iowa State University and her master’s and bachelor’s degrees from Kansas State University.

Jennifer Munter is a Graduate Student at Montana State University (MSU) in the Family and Consumer Sciences field and a Program/Grants Manager for MSU Extension. She has a degree in Early Childhood Education from Lincoln Nebraska and from 2000-2015 owned and ran her own preschool and childcare facility. After a wonderful 15-year career Jennifer hung up her teacher's hat and in 2020 graduated from Montana State University with a BA in Community Health.

It was during this time as an undergraduate student that Jennifer shared her earlier background with Dr. Marsha Goetting and volunteered to help with the development of the Alzheimer’s Awareness for Children and Families Storybook Program. She continued to work within the realm of Extension taking on various roles as a Volunteer Program Coordinator, Program Evaluation Intern, Undergraduate Research Assistant, and Interim Program Coordinator. Upon obtaining her degree, she moved from Interim status to full time Program Manager for the Montana State University Extension Expansion Project to Provide Education, Outreach and Training on Opioid and Stimulant Prevention, Treatment and Recovery for Rural and Native Montana Youth grant awarded by the United States Department of Health and Human Serivces Substance Abuse and Mental Health Serivices Administration.

Jennifer has dedicated herself to helping children and families and would like to give a warm thank you to the AAFCS for inviting her to present the Using Storybooks to Teach Children and Adults about Alzheimer’s Dementia 2022/2023 Virtual Professional Development Educational Module.

Jennifer Munter
