AAFCS Is Social Media an Essential Nutrition for the Body of One's Career

About the Module

 Whether in the spring of your career’s ascent or the winter of your time with an employer, field, or industry; a strategic investment of time on the right social media platform/s can have a lasting effect on your career. Being able to assess and differentiate between sites and determine your purpose on a site will reduce time and increase a measurable return of time invested. Learn techniques to create, cultivate, and activate a digital network on social media. Additionally, participants will get resources on how to measure their effectiveness on social media and return on investment over time. Learn how to build a healthy career by staying active on social media.

Presenter will discuss:

  1.  Differentiate between current and future social media sites to determine the purpose of the site, strategic career usage over time, and expert tips for short-term and long-term success
  2. Learn how to create, cultivate, and activate a digital network on social medi
  3. Measure the return on investment for the time and effort spent throughout your career on social media
  4. How being active on the right social media platforms can build a strong personal brand leading to a healthy career

    Resources Available to AAFCS Members Only

    Members: To view and access the resources for the module, you must be logged in to your MyAAFCS account.

    Resources for this professional development module include the following:

    • Lesson Plan related to topic
    • AAFCS Professional Development PDU Certificate

    AAFCS Members: To see the "View Recording" button and the Module Resources, you MUST be logged in to your MyAAFCS account.

    Module Feedback

    Your feedback on the professional development module is important. 
    Please complete the feedback survey.

    Feedback Survey 

    Correlations to Standards

    The resources provided for this VPD Module correlate with the:  

    FCS Body of Knowledge

    • Appropriate Use of Technology
    • Capacity Building
    • Resource Development and Sustainability

    Family and Consumer Sciences National Standards 3.0

    • 1.0 Career/Community & Family Connections

    National Standards for Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences

    • Career, Community, & Family Connections
    • Professionalism

    Meet the Presenter(s)

    Craig Marinello

    Craig Marinello, M.A. currently serves as the Manager of Student Employment and Internship Development in the Office of Career Services at Southeastern Louisiana University. He works daily with students and employers to help connect Southeastern’s talent with employment opportunities like part-time jobs, full-time jobs, and internships.  With over 20 years of professional speaking experience, Craig has been able to provide impactful presentations to businesses, associations, and organizations across the country. Regardless of the topic, his focus is always to present relevant information, in an easy to understand format, that is action based, results oriented, and littered with fun!