The application period is now OPEN for the Community of Extension Grant ($5,000) which provides funding for innovation programs designed to enhance the well-being of families. Applications/proposals must address how the project contributes to increasing public knowledge of family and consumer sciences and its value to society and expanding the body of knowledge related to family and consumer sciences.
Individuals and teams who are eligible to apply for the Community of Extension Grant include:
§ Individuals or teams employed by Extension with family and consumer sciences program responsibilities.
§ Individuals or teams retired from Extension and maintain a connection with their local Extension family and consumer sciences program.
§ At least one team member must be an active member of AAFCS, with no outstanding dues, and belong to the Community of Extension.
The grant will be presented when a qualified applicant is identified. Community of Extension Grant awards are limited to one recipient or recipient team each year. The project will be completed in two years with impact results provided.
The project leader or designee is expected to attend the AAFCS Annual Conference where the results of the funded grant project will be presented. Up to $1000 additional money can be included in the Grant Budget to support expenses to attend the AAFCS Annual Conference.
The deadline for applications is May 10, 2024.
For more information, click the links below: