Register for an Exam

How do I register for a professional-level assessment?

  • To be eligible to take a national AAFCS examination the candidate must have graduated from an accredited educational institution with a baccalaureate degree, or plan to graduate within the year. 
  • Testing occurs in odd months of the year. 
  • Tests are administered via computer based delivery with (1) onsite proctor at testing centers nationwide or (2) remote proctor at candidate's location.  


AAFCS test registration fees are nonrefundable. Testing can be rescheduled to the immediate next testing month (January, March, May, July, September, or November) without penalty beyond those detailed herein and imposed by an ISO Quality Testing Center for violations related to admission, rescheduling, or cancellation. 
If a candidate cancels or reschedules a scheduled examination five or more calendar days prior to the scheduled examination date, the candidate will pay ISO Quality Testing a $25 rescheduling fee. 
If a candidate does not reschedule or cancel a scheduled examination at least five calendar days prior to the scheduled examination or comes to the testing center without proper ID and/or the proper admission letter and is unable to take the scheduled examination, the candidate will forfeit the full testing fee. 
If a candidate reschedules or cancels a scheduled exam less than five calendar days prior to the scheduled exam date but has an approved excuse based on candidate medical emergency, death of an immediate family member, or candidate active duty military orders, the candidate will pay ISO Quality Testing a $25.00 rescheduling/cancellation fee. 
If a candidate for any reason forfeits the examination fee, a new online registration application and full examination fee payment must be submitted to register for subsequent testing. 

Computer-Based Registration

Register to access the online system for administration of the CFCS-series, PFFE and NWE exams. Candidates will be prompted to log into MyAAFCS. If you have never been a member or customer of AAFCS, create a profile and complete the registration application.


NOTE: If you are a candidate testing for TX educator certification, you MUST register through the Texas Educator Certification Examination Program. Click here for more information.