2022-2023 Webinar Task and Production Schedule

2022-2023 Webinar Tasks and Deadlines

Read all information thoroughly.


Tasks Due Date
Professional Development Proposal

Read details related to the Professional Development Proposal located at the link to the left.

Submit a Professional Development Proposal Form

Submission Deadline is Friday, June 10, 2022  

Selection of accepted presentation proposals for  Notification to presenters by Friday, July 1, 2022.

Available Powerful Professional Presentations (Steps 1 and 2 only)

Please note: You will NOT submit a recording of your presentation. AAFCS staff will work with you to record your presentation

Complete Speakers Packet

1. Speakers Agreement

2.  Headshot

3.  Presentation Outline

To be determined based on production schedule.

Schedule Practice and Recording Sessions

The recording will be done with AAFCS staff. There will NOT be a live audience for the recording. Dates for the orientation and recording will be coordinated with the presenter.

Presenters will need the following for the recording session:

Hardwired Internet connection. No wireless. No exceptions. Strong internet connection.

A quality USB headset.

Quiet location with no distractions.

Fall Launch (August - December or

Spring Launch (January-May)

Submit Presentation Draft to AAFCS

Draft PowerPoint to be used for orientation session. Please refer to the link in the column to the left for critical information for creating a “Powerful Professional Presentation”.

Presenters must use PowerPoint for presentation. The PowerPoint size may not exceed 25,000 kb.

Videos and internet links may NOT be included in PowerPoint. Internet links can be set up outside the PowerPoint presentation as a resource.

Based on formatting, timing, or other concerns, AAFCS may ask the presenter to make some changes to their presentation.

Resources: Supplemental worksheet(s), lesson plans, information sheet(s) and or websites related to the topic.

Three to four multiple choice questions to be included in a session evaluation.

One week prior to practice session

Orientation Session

Participate in practice session (Presenter will be sent the internet link to access both the practice session and the recorded session prior to this meeting)

 It is best to reserve 30-45 minutes for this practice session

To Be Determined by Presenter and AAFCS Staff.
Recording Session

Complete Recording session

(Presenter will use the internet link used to access the practice session for the recorded session) Reserve 45 minutes for the recording.

To Be Determined by Presenter and AAFCS Staff.