Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences

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AAFCS is excited to introduce a NEW viewing platform for the Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences (starting with Volume 115)! This reader-friendly viewer allows members to easily access and read the published issue of the journal! Members will only need to be logged into MyAAFCS

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NEW! Free Resources Available! 

For each issue of the Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences (beginning with Volume 113, Issue 3), supplemental resources are provided to pursue further thought and/or action on selected topics from the issue. 

JFCS in Action

The Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences is the official publication of the American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (AAFCS).

Each issue of the Journal contains the following professional and exclusive features:

  • scholarly peer-reviewed articles,
  • practical information geared toward family and consumer sciences professionals, and
  • news and information about AAFCS.

In response to member feedback, the Journal seeks to publish more columns and articles on trends and developments in the field, best practices, resources, and opinions. The Journal features knowledge gained from the research and academic arenas and focuses on how this knowledge can be applied by practitioners in the field.

The Journal is published four times a year: February, May, August, and November. It is indexed by the Family Index Database, Family and Society Studies World Wide, and the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC).

Subscribe to the JFCS!

Members receive a free online subscription to the JFCS.

Nonmembers can order individual issues of the Journal of Family & Consumer SciencesAt the cost of $50 per issue, non-members could save $50 - $100 by becoming an AAFCS member.  Learn More About Membership!

Institutions and agencies may email orders, fax orders to 703-636-7648, or mail them to AAFCS Journal Subscriptions, 1410 King Street, 2nd Floor, Alexandria, VA 22314. Click here for institutional and agency pricing. 

Access on Ingenta

Institutional subscribers must access the Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences (JFCS) on IngentaConnect. AAFCS members can still access JFCS on IngentaConnect to download individual articles. To create account with IngentaConnect follow these steps.

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Managing Editor

Debbie Johnson, CFCS - Retired 

Contact Debbie


Scott S. Hall, PhD, CFLE
Professor of Family Studies
Dept. of Early Childhood, Youth, and Family Studies 
Teachers College - Ball State University
Muncie, IN

Associate Editors

Carol L. Anderson, PhD, CFCS
College of Human Ecology
Cornell University

Carol Makela, PhD
College of Health and Human Sciences
Colorado State University

Kerry Renwick, PhD
Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy
Faculty of Education
University of British Columbia

Permission Policy

JFCS Authors
If you are a JFCS author, you may reuse your own article (or an amended version of it) in a new publication of which you are the author, editor, or co-editor. Prior permission is not required but we do require proper acknowledgments of the source. Individual academic authors who wish to reuse up to 2 figures or up to 400 words from this journal to republish in a new journal article they are writing are permitted to do so at no cost and without seeking permission.

Photocopying of Individual JFCS Articles

Current members of the American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) and JFCS subscribers may make a limited number of copies of individual JFCS articles for educational purposes without charge, provided such copies are not resold. Proper acknowledgment of the source is expected. Individuals who are not AAFCS members or JFCS subscribers must obtain permission by contacting Email AAFCS.