Join Fellow Family and Consumer Sciences Professionals

Join us as we work with legislators, regulators, industry, their communities and others to bring visibility to emerging challenges and the critical role that Family and Consumer Sciences plays in supporting individuals, building strong communities, and establishing frameworks for success in communities around the United States. 

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Add your voice to an AAFCS advocacy issue by visiting our action center.

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Support the AAFCS and our advocacy through sponsorships and donations.

Partner with AAFCS

Partner with the AAFCS and join us in advocating for FCS and the individuals and communities we help.

Understand the Democratic Process & Get Involved

Every day individuals, families, and communities are facing challenges that overburden their resources and their inhibit ability to succeed including homelessness, food insecurity, under or unemployment, and more. As Family and Consumer Scientist, we are uniquely qualified and prepared to support those individuals, families, and communities to find solutions and to learn new skills to help them grow strong and continue to succeed. In this toolkit, you will find information and tools designed to empower our family and consumer sciences community to connect with policymakers, provide educate on how policy affect Family and Consumer Sciences professionals and the communities that they serve, and bring visibility to the important collaborative role that Family and Consumer Sciences professionals play in identifying challenges, proposing solutions, and implementing pathways for success. 

About Congress

AAFCS Member Resources

Membership in the AAFCS supports our efforts to bring visibility to the important role of the Family and Consumer Sciences in support strong, healthy, and successful individuals, families, and communities. Resources provided to members include:

  • Access to the members-only Advocacy Forum. Forum members are provided with frequent updates on upcoming hearings, regulations, and bills that are being considered throughout the United States.
  • Financial Support. AAFCS Affiliates can apply to receive grants from AAFCS to support their advocacy efforts.
  • Coordinated Outreach. Participating members are included in outreach efforts, attending virtual hill meetings and other educational sessions with policymakers.

Not a member? Subscribe to the AAFCS MATTERS! to learn more and to gain a sneak peak on upcoming policy affecting the Family and Consumer Sciences.

Faces of FCS - Policymakers what to hear your story. Who inspired to you to become an FCS professional? What industry and setting do you work in? Tell us about a person, family, or community that you impacted. What resources and support would help you do your job better, faster, and more successfully? Where do you see FCS in 10 years? 
Submit your name, title, contact details, and story CLICK HERE!