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Karin Athanas, Executive Director
September 2024
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"Using the Perspectives of Kentucky Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agents to Develop a Sustainable Eating Sciences Extension Agents to Develop a Sustainable Eating Curriculum ," Journal of Human Sciences and Extension. Link
"Family and Consumer Sciences Education for Food Literacy," December 2024. Link
"The Early Show with Alax, supported by UNM-based research teams at the Family Development Program (FDP) and the Cradle to Career Policy Institute (CCPI), received a prestigious regional Emmy from the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (Academy)," December 2024. Link
Stephanie Anderson, Family and Consumer Sciences teacher at Polson High School selected to receive a $500 grant, 8KPAX, November 2024. YouTube. Link
“She arrived at North Carolina A&T in 2018 with the idea to create a course and conduct research on chocolate, and this support from USDA will enable her to do both. These endeavors will help attract more students to the Family and Consumer Sciences Department and provide more post-graduation opportunities for these students," October 2024. Link
"AAFCS Responds to the Publication of a Modernized Career Clusters Framework," October 2024. Link
Family and Consumer Sciences: Overview of a 100-Year-Old Industry Sector
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“Good nutrition has been recognized as one of the cornerstones of diabetes self-management,” according to Dr. Ali Berg, Extension nutrition and health specialist with the University of Georgia College of Family and Consumer Sciences, 2024. Link
The AAFCS celebrates, embraces, and respects the value of every person. We denounce all expressions hate, racism, injustice, and discrimination. Our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice is demonstrated through our work to improve the well-being and quality of life for individuals, families, and communities.