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September 2024

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"Using the Perspectives of Kentucky Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agents to Develop a Sustainable Eating Sciences Extension Agents to Develop a Sustainable Eating Curriculum ," Journal of Human Sciences and Extension. Link

"Revisiting home ec," "roughly one-third of American adults consider themselves unable to complete basic domestic tasks, like grocery shopping for and preparing a simple dinner." Buffalo Bulletin, November 2024, Link

"What Are Students Reading? An Exploratory Study of Bookstore Acquisitions for Introductory Family Science Courses," Marriage & Family Review Vol 61, December 2024, Link 

"High school and junior high school students recently had the chance to pitch their business ideas during a “Shark Tank” event hosted by the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) Department of Human Sciences.," USPB News, December 2024. Link

"Managing Stress for Family Caregivers and the Rest of Us," December 2024, Link

"How one Houston County school is teaching life skills with a cooking class," December 2024, Link 

"Skyline Should Offer Students Home Economics Classes," January 2025. Link

"Family and Consumer Sciences Education for Food Literacy," December 2024. Link

"Pittsburgh-based private chef and Bethel Park resident Jon Lloyd visited Mrs. Kelsey Chapin’s Family and Consumer Sciences class to teach students how to make buffalo and sweet chili wings while sharing his culinary journey," November 2024, Link 

"A.J. Schwichtenberg, associate professor in the Purdue University Department of Human Development and Family Science (HDFS), is the 2024 recipient of the Patsy J. Mellott Teaching Innovation Award.," Purdue University, December 2024. Link

"The Early Show with Alax, supported by UNM-based research teams at the Family Development Program (FDP) and the Cradle to Career Policy Institute (CCPI), received a prestigious regional Emmy from the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (Academy)," December 2024. Link

"Material Intelligence” exhibit in the School of Human Ecology invites individuals to think about how materials shape the spaces around us," The Daily Cardinal, November 2024. Link

Cold Springs High School Family and Consumer Sciences [...] teacher Stephanie Blair awarded the Doris Patterson and Pat Floyd Award for Excellence in Education," The Cullman Times, November 2024, Link

"Stephen F. Austin State University’s Cooking Matters program has transformed the way families in Nacogdoches think about food, health and budgeting," November 2024, Link 

Stephanie Anderson, Family and Consumer Sciences teacher at Polson High School selected to receive a $500 grant, 8KPAX, November 2024. YouTubeLink

"Indigenous women in home economics featured in exhibit,"  Cornell Chronicle, October 2024. Link

“She arrived at North Carolina A&T in 2018 with the idea to create a course and conduct research on chocolate, and this support from USDA will enable her to do both. These endeavors will help attract more students to the Family and Consumer Sciences Department and provide more post-graduation opportunities for these students," October 2024. Link

"Researchers Aim to Help Older Population with Technology," Texas Tech Now, 2024, Link

"AAFCS Responds to the Publication of a Modernized Career Clusters Framework," October 2024. Link

"An Interview with Goldie Prelogar-Hernandez ," Journal of Financial Therapy,  2024. Link

"Student research focuses on challenges of accessing nutritious foods," Nebraska Today, 2024, Link

"Estimating family shopping behavior: A
multi-perspective approach to understanding
grocery shopping," 2024, Link 

Family and Consumer Sciences: Overview of a 100-Year-Old Industry Sector

Read, Share, Promote.

"Elizabeth Heuisler, a professor at the Norton School of Human Ecology and former fashion designer, emphasized the significance of educating the community about the vital role service dogs play,"  October 2024. Link

"People want to bring home economics classes back to schools to teach kids basic life skills," MSN news, 2024, Link

"Students at the Union-Endicott High School were baking up some treats in their Family and Consumer Sciences classes Wednesday morning and the treats were going to the dogs. Literally," October 2024, Link 

“Good nutrition has been recognized as one of the cornerstones of diabetes self-management,” according to Dr. Ali Berg, Extension nutrition and health specialist with the University of Georgia College of Family and Consumer Sciences, 2024. Link