Room Reservations
12:15 - 1:15 PM
- Community of ESAE Roundtable | Community/Committee Meeting
- Community for Diversity and Inclusion - "Diversity Matters" with Guest Speaker | Community/Committee Meeting
- Community of Lifelong Professionals Business Meeting | Community/Committee Meeting
- Alliance for FCS meeting | Partner Meeting
Break Out | Block #2
1:30 - 2:15 PM
- Using Extended Reality to Support Student Learning in Fashion and Other FCS Content Areas | Technology and Trends
- Navigating Student Engagement in AAFCS | Support and Resources for Emerging Professionals
- Webs of Worry: Women and Financial Anxiety | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access
- A Trauma Informed Approach with Children: Implementing Trauma Sensitive Strategies in Family and Consumer Sciences Programming | Research and Scholarship
- Family and Consumer Sciences is The Future of Career Clusters | Advocacy, Leadership and Collaboration
- Assembly of Higher Education Business Meeting and Program | Community/Committee Meeting
2:30 - 3:30 PM
General Session | Launch of the "Re-Tooled" FCS Body of Knowledge
Imperial Ballroom
Break Out | Block #3
3:45 - 4:30 PM
- A.I. as an Educational Ally | Technology and Trends
- Thriving with PMS (Peer Mentor Society); How Building Your Own Faculty Support Group Can Provide Community and Collaboration | Support and Resources for Emerging Professionals
- Unveiling Resistance: Fashion as a Medium of Protest in the Iranian Women's Movement | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access
- Cultivating Critical Thinking: Integrating Practical Reasoning in Family & Consumer Sciences | Advocacy, Leadership and Collaboration
- Cybersecurity: Protecting Information with Strong and Reliable Passwords / Ciberseguridad: Protegiendo Información con Contraseñas Fuertes y Confiables | General
Break Out | Block #4
4:45 - 5:30 PM
- "Such a Smarty Pants!" - Weaving Hope into the Future with Smart Clothing | Technology and Trends
- Emerging Leaders in Family & Consumer Sciences: Cultivating Professional Growth Among Students | Support and Resources for Emerging Professionals
- Climate-Proofing Finances: Tools for Teaching Climate-Resilient Financial Education | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access
- Make it Work: Bringing a Project Runway Star to a University Campus through the Humanities and FCS Fields | Advocacy, Leadership and Collaboration
- Sensory Science: Awareness for Eating Experiences | General