Registration Template

After the assessment product(s) have been purchased, the Test Site Administrator and Test Site Coordinator may register test candidates.  All test candidates must be registered with AAFCS prior to testing. Rosters must be submitted through the AAFCS portal at least 5 business days prior to test administration.  Rosters CANNOT be submitted on the day of test administration.  Roster changes CANNOT be made on the date of testing.


  1.  Download the Registration Template
  2. Enter Student’s First Name in Column D (First Name)
  3. Enter Student’s Last Name in Column F (Last Name)
  4. Enter Students unique ID number (Typically the STATE ISSUED student identification number) in Column G (Alternate Name)
  5. Enter the State (2 Letter) Abbreviation of the Test Site (Examples:  TX, MS, OK) in Column H (Primary Address State)
  6. Select the Assessment Name from the dropdown menu in Column I (Title)
  7. Enter the Test Site Code (Assigned by AAFCS - this is NOT school name) in Column J (Organization Name)
  8. Review the data fields.
  9. Delete special characters, accent marks, and extra spaces in the data fields.
  10. Save the file using the format – Test Site Code, Assessment Title, and (if appropriate) Group or Teacher Name

  • DO NOT Alter the template as it will corrupt the formulas built into the spreadsheet. 
  • Do NOT Enter more than 50 students on a roster.
  • Do NOT Forget to include the required information.
  • Do NOT Access Columns A, B, and C (they are LOCKED for editing).
  • Do NOT Include any special characters, accent marks, commas, ampersands, or extra spaces at the beginning or end of the data in the fields. These characters and spaces will cause errors in registration and administration.

EXAMPLE TEMPLATE:  See the example data required in the template columns.  

First Name Middle Name Last Name Alternate Name Primary Address State Title Organization Name



Candidate’s first name

Delete any special characters, accent marks, or extra spaces

Candidate’s middle name

Delete any special characters, accent marks, or extra spaces

Candidate’s last name

Delete any special characters, accent marks, or extra spaces

Enter the STATE ISSUED student identification number or a UNIQUE identification number assigned to the student for testing

State Abbreviation

(Use 2-Letter Abbreviation in ALL CAPS)

Select the Name of the Assessment  from the Dropdown Menu

Enter the Test Site Code

Available Monday - Friday from 9 AM - 5:30 PM EST.

Submit Questions by Email to Pre-PAC

Direct Telephone Line: 703-636-7641

CLICK HERE for Online Technical Assistance Request During Assessment Administration

During peak testing, this is the best way to receive assistance.